

Wow! I haven't been on in a while... Funny though, most blogs I've visited lately have been abandoned - I'm sure due to the holidays. That's definitely my excuse!

So I've decided on some New Year's Resolutions. Of course I'm going to continue to improve my preparedness & food storage (That's a given!). I also plan to spend more "quality" time with my husband & kids, and I'm going to work on being more consistent. That is one of my BIG downfalls. My intentions are great, but I have a hard time with finishing or continuing what I started. Oh... and my most important one is to become more spiritual. I need to pray more & focus on my Savior more.

Wish me luck!

I've been thinking & thinking of what to focus on this year for my blog, and I decided that I don't really want to focus on any specific thing. I just want to continue to share all the great things I learn, fun recipes, & anything & everything! Hope that works for you!

Lotsa' fun stuff coming soon!

Happy New Year!


Carla said...

Works for me! (consistent is needed on my part too:)
Happy New Year to you and yours:)

Leiah said...

I love your blog...just stumbled upon it! Keep up the good work!