It might be hard to see in these photos, but I have now started adding 1/2 cup of ground flax seed into my whole wheat bread recipe. It looks grainier, but you can't even taste it! This is a great way to add even MORE nutrition to that yummy homemade bread!
The top photo is the dough before it had risen (easier to see the flax in that one!) & the bottom one is after it's done baking. Mmmm!!!
It's my understanding that flax seed doesn't get broken down by the body, so you may be better off buying ground flax seed or grinding it yourself. You do need something that can grind oily substances though.
I'm going to try your recipe tomorrow.
I meant GROUND flax seed. I didn't use the whole seeds. Sorry about that! I changed it in the post. If you buy the seeds whole, you could probably grind them in a blender or food processor. My grinder is the Wonder Mill, and it doesn't do oily things. Hope your bread turns out great! Have fun making it! :)
Your bread is so lovely! Thanks for the flax seed tip (never can have too much fiber huh?)
I'm experimenting with wheat bread now, and really enjoying it! Now, where did I put that flax seed?
Those look REALLY nice!
I need to try whole wheat bread again.
My French bread is wonderful, but I will have to keep working on whole wheat!
Hi Jenn
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- Doug & Laurel
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